In 2017, he published his portrait book titled “Expat,” which delves into the lives and experiences of expatriates. His latest work, “Vietnam Uninterrupted,” released in 2023 in collaboration with Richard Burrage, offers a compelling comparison of Saigon from 20 years ago to the vibrant city it is today, highlighting the rich tapestry of change and continuity.
Fred’s approach to art is not bound by any set style or ideas. he embraces a philosophy of creativity that allows for exploration in any direction. This is evident in his exhibitions, including “Sit,” which examines modern Vietnam through its ubiquitous plastic chairs, and “Blurred,” a thought-provoking look at the city out of focus. He also organized and participated in “Perspectives,” a collaborative exhibition featuring three photographers who captured 24 hours of life in the city through 18 photos, culminating in a single show.
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